Friday 14 August 2015

Spinach in a smoothie?!

So when I got into smoothies I researched a lot about recipes, what can I put in it, etc. I heard from youtubers before, that they put greens in their smoothies, but never really crossed my mind to try it. But then I saw a bag of baby spinach in the shop the other day, and I felt like I need to make a smoothie with it. This is my first attempt, but won't be my last. :)


one handful of strawberries
one handful of pineapple pieces
one handful of spinach leaves 
fresh apple juice

The spinach leaves make the smoothie quite creamy and rich, I love it. You can hardly tell by the taste, that there is something "weird" in it, so it is definitely a way to put some green leaves into a picky child who wouldn't eat it otherwise. The colour of the smoothie is a wee bit greener, but nothing major, so this is a good trick. 

The other benefit of this smoothie is, that you get extra fibres, so it makes you full for a longer period of time. And of course you get the benefits of the spinach. :) I will definitely try more greens in my smoothies in the near future. 

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