Wednesday 11 February 2015

The Valentine's Day madness

This Saturday is Valentine's Day, and everyone is talking about it. Either they state it out loud, that they think it was stupid, or they love love love it. What I don't understand, when people are really hostile about it (mostly single women of course), saying that couples are stupid, and it should not be celebrated when they are all single and miserable. I have never seen someone with a dead mother cursing and swearing on Facebook, on the week of Mother's Day. I don't think it is any different from other Someone's Days anyway. Yes, you should love your mother all year long, yes, you should tell your partner more than once a year, that you care about them, but why hating, when there is designated date for it?

In my experience, it can be useful to be reminded to these little things. When you are in a relationship for years, decades, and the fact that your partner is on your side is default, you can forget, that you need to appreciate it. I doubt that those people who hate on Valentine's Day would throw a bouquet on their other half, when he/she arrives home with one. 

I don't say, that you need to buy a 32nd cheesy teddy bear holding a heart, but just a simple note, a card, some post-its on the door can do the trick. You don't even have to spend money if you don't want to/can't afford it. The thought that counts. 

I don't even say, that buying expensive gifts is crazy. It is, when you can't afford it, and still think you need to do it (even worse, when it is expected!), but if you want to show your love this way, go on, who is stopping you? Just make sure, it is personal. Don't buy perfume to someone who is allergic to most scents, don't buy flowers to the girl, who thinks fresh flowers are murder (yes, there are people like this). 

In my home country, Valentine's Day is all about the couples, but I love, that here in the UK it is more about general love. I don't mind celebrating only with my husband, but the thought, that I can say 'Happy Valentine's Day' to everyone I love is just even a better idea. I feel like nowadays people either throw I love you like it was confetti, or they don't say it enough. You just gotta mean it. This week I am going to try and let everyone I love know, that I love them, I care about them, and I am happy to have them in my life. 

What do you think about Valentine's Day? Do you celebrate it? 

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