Thursday 23 July 2015

Take pictures!!!

So my electric toothbrush's charger died today, and I didn't remember what model was it. What I remembered, that I took a picture of the box when I bought it (perks of instagraming everything, amirite?). So I started looking through my old pictures on dropbox. Of course I never found the one I was looking for, however I found an old selfie of mine, from the end of last September, the day we moved in to our flat. And my jaw just dropped. I quickly ran and took an other selfie, same mirror, just a different me. 

What a difference! And the strange thing is, I don't even remember being like this. I mean obviously I saw the picture when I took it, but it is just crazy how you can ignore problems you don't want to face. I am not starting to bash my old self, because it was still me, and I was happy and confident, but still it is just amazing to see the results of my hard work. Especially because I feel like I don't always see myself like this, and I need to be reminded, that what I am doing is working indeed. 

So this was a reminder, that taking pictures is very very important! And I am happy I took this selfie last September, because now I can see the results. And I will keep taking pictures like this every month, so I can be an outsider for a second and see, not just look. 

If you are trying to change yourself, do yourself a favour and take a picture now! And try to find one from the past. And then keep taking pictures. I can't even tell you how motivating this is. 


  1. Szia Bogi! I just came through your blog, so I thought I comment on it a bit. We never really talked, but I heard a lot about you through Via <3.

    And what you just described (in your other posts) as well is amazing. I'm really happy you found yourself and you FIGHT for yourself. That's how I felt when I moved away from home, and every time I go to the gym and cook the next healthy meal. This is for me! And for my future kids, family! You go girl! Be incredibly proud of yourself!

    Zs/nyaubaby x

    1. Thank you so much! :) it does feel amazing! x
